Serdobolskii Vadim Ivanovich

V.Serdobolskii is the full professor at Applied Mathematics Faculty
of Moscow State Institute in Electronics and Mathematics.

Graduated from Moscow State University as physicist theoretician.

In 1952 he received his first doctorate at Nuclear Research Institute of Moscow State University for the thesis "Investigations in Resonance Theory of Nuclear Reactions".

In 2001 he received the second (advanced) doctoral degree at the Faculty of Calculational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University for the investigation "Asymptotic Theory of Statistical Analysis of Observations of Increasing Dimension".

V.Serdobolskii is the author of the monograph "Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
A High-Dimensional Approach", published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

V.Serdobolskiiis also is the author of the monograph "Multiparametric Statistics", published by Elsevier in 2007.

His other publications are presented
at the personal Internet page serd.miem.edu.ru
E-mail: vvserd@mail.ru